View Alliance
Name Withheld



Name Withheld is a secretive organization, tasked with the enormous responsibility of containing natural anomalies to protect mankind. We would tell you our name, but then we’d have to give you a dose of Class B amnestics.


We are more than an alliance. We are an idea, a philosophy.  We believe in the principles of continuous development and self-improvement, constantly striving to improve individually to breed collective excellence, and finding harmony in chaos. Not everyone understands us, but those who do know what to expect.



High Government

REDACTED: Bezzers 
Overseer of Strategic Direction: Bug
Overseer of Internal Operations: Shifty
Overseer of External Outreach: Squeegee
Overseer of Military Operations: Voidwalker
Overseer of Economic Development: Basil
O5-Emeritus: WizardTurtle

Low Government

Site Director of Internal Operations: Maverick
Site Director of Internal Operations: CuppyCakeYums

Site Director of External Outreach: Aalex

Site Director of Military Operations: notlaws
Site Director of Military Operations: Zom

Site Director of Economic Development: LordOrthon
Site Director of Economic Development: Oscar Green
Site Director of Economic Development: Ben 

Ethics Committee: Callum
Ethics Committee: LuciusKonst


Member of Pentaforce:

MDoAP with The Black Knights.
MDoAP with Mayhem.
MDoAP with United Purple Nations.

MDoAP with Rose

ODoAP with Singularity.

We have an extension. It's right here.

For urgent FA matters please dm bezzers101 or squeeegeee on discord. If you are a diplomat and seeking an embassy, please join our FA server here. While we are selective in who we work with, we are always open to getting to know you and your alliance.



We are a tight-knit and active community. We are selective in who we work with, and only a small number of recruits pass our rigorous training programme. Those that do, however, receive immense economic benefits and are warmly welcomed into an alliance that strives to be the best in what we do. 


If you think you have what it takes, please join our discord server and follow the instructions on the welcome message. Please note that we have a minimum age requirement of 16.




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