View Alliance



Overboss: Deborah Kobayashi
Underboss: Ukunaka


The Tunnel Snakes
Tunnel Snakes Gang Leader: Deborah Kobayashi
Tunnel Snakes Vice-Lead: Clover
Tunnel Snakes Captains:
Tunnel Snakes Lieutenants:

The Operator$
Operator$ Boss: Dorothy Latimer
Operator$ Co-Conspirator: Vacant
Operator$ Captains:
Operator$ Lieutenants: 


The Pack Gang
The Pack Alpha: Anatu Athena
The Pack Beta: Vacant 
The Pack Captains: 
The Pack Lieutenants: 

The Kingdom of New Lamplight
Mayor King Cola: Alice Dunwich
Duke of Cola: Vacant
Ghoul Gang Captains: 
Ghoul Gang Lieutenants: 

Nuka-Townies, Scavvers & Traders
The NukaTown Mayor: Gatunlati Anigilohi
Red Rocket Provisioner Boss:  Vacant
Townie Captains: 
Townie Lieutenants:

ALL Diplomacy, including military affairs and Trade must be done on Nuka-Town (FA&trade) Discord
Gov reserves the right to ignore all attempts of contact through ingame messages


All applicants must apply on #NukaTown's Discord 

(NOT #NukaWorld's Alliance Discord)

Basic Information
Alliance Name: NukaWorld (7K-7G-NW)
Caretaker: Dorothy Latimer
Tunnel Snakes Vice Lead: Clover
Founded: 07/24/2020 (1,667 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Camelot The Kingdom On Maroon
Members: 0
Alliance Rank: #357 of 499 (71.54%)
Score: 0.00
Avg Score: 0.00
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 2 (100%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 26
Total Infrastructure: 39,254.28
Total Land: 74,649.00
Total Population: 4,917,905
Total GDP: $5,605,810,886
Total Soldiers: 33,333
Total Tanks: 0
Total Aircraft: 0
Total Ships: 0
Total Spies: 87
Total Missiles: 4
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 1,340
Wars Lost: 189
Cat Dog667.90
The Power is back on at NukaWorld (Join Today!)

NukaWorld has Returned, Formed a New Government, and is now open for recruitment.

Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
Extension Nuka-TownN/A
Extension The Empire of the Moonlit SakuraN/A