View Alliance
Gulpin Commonwealth


The Gulpin Commonwealth operates with one goal: Collective Prosperity. 


Our mission is to assist all members as needed. All we ask in return, is that you help out as you can. Our alliance is new and small. But if we stick together, we can prove that generosity and kindness prevail.


The Gulpin Commonwealth imposes zero taxes. Anything members give, is on their own accord.


We defend our members who are raided or attacked unjustly, regardless of activity. DM Gulpin for negotiations.


The Gulpin Commonwealth is a Monarchy. The Civil Authority, led by Secretary General Potato II, operates underneath the Monarch, Gulpin

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Gulpin Commonwealth (GULP)
Monarch | Head of State: Gulpin
Secretary General: Potato II
Secretary of War: Morgoth
Commonwealth Council: Magos Zelok , Lava Lizard
Commonwealth Citizen: NOLAN , Romando De Leon , Tentacle Twelvy , Juan Kenobi
Founded: 02/05/2025 (51 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: $ublime
Members: 15
Alliance Rank: #86 of 492 (17.48%)
Score: 25,461.89
Avg Score: 1,697.46
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 2 (11.76%)
Beige Nations: 5 (33.33%)
Gray Nations: 4 (26.67%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 174
Total Infrastructure: 260,926.39
Total Land: 331,121.56
Total GDP: $28,740,776,266
Total GNI: $39,737,630
Total Soldiers: 1,662,655
Total Tanks: 76,333
Total Aircraft: 4,976
Total Ships: 1,057
Total Spies: 116
Total Missiles: 47
Total Nuclear Weapons: 5
Wars Won: 132
Wars Lost: 59
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
MDP The Astral OrderN/A
ODP The CombineN/A