View Alliance
Emperiome city



[Zax] Join my alliance Emperiome City!

My name is Zax, Emperor of Cachima.

We are looking for passionate and skilled players to join our ranks! Our alliance offers the following positions:

- Minister adsolu 

- Member of the Imperial Congress

-Chef locals 



What we offer:

- Shared resources and rewards for active members

- Military protection and mentoring for new players

- Opportunities for expansion and rapid growth for experienced players

If you're looking for a well-organized and supportive environment to grow and conquer, this is the place for you!

Join us now! Here's the Discord link: [](

Important Notice to All Ambitious Players!

Are you looking for a strong alliance where you can grow, win and be part of a dynamic community? Look no further, Empériome City is the ideal place for you!

What we offer our new members:

✨ Cash welcome bonus – As soon as you arrive, we offer you a bonus to help you get off to a good start. This bonus will allow you to equip yourself and develop quickly within our alliance.

💎 Rewarded Missions and Quests – We firmly believe in collective effort and everyone’s progress. By joining Empériome City, you will have access to special missions and important quests that are generously rewarded, allowing you to strengthen your resources while helping the alliance grow.


Emperor zax:45797326b3592304559eebb458182b864adfb69cx729.jpg



Ministre adsolu 5c0ae25f13522eaf75610f9c23eef44e2173302fx654.jpeg

Noble imperial:e9e15d1d23f95a267297128e4a7740c780fa5b41840x1080770.jpg

Chef locals


Congress imperial 38760b8acad02cff59d0e5fc70f1dcc5e4021749x95.jpg


Soldats imperial: lenny, dax 


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