View Alliance
European Coal And Steel Coalition


«Everyone is free to join our alliance!»

No matter the score, military, industry. You just need to be active!

Goals Of Our Alliance:

  • Development, growth, militarization and industrialization of our members,
  • Cooperation in the area of industry,
  • Military cooperation,
  • Creating a friendly community,
  • Ensuring a fast and stable growth of our members.

You can ask me (Federal Republic of Silesia) for

  • Military aid,
  • Help in understanding the game mechanics.

Our members will have to pay money and resource tax to the alliance - you may be wondering: "where does the tax go?".

We can give you a simple answer - it goes into the alliance bank to further go into money and resource which can be turned into grants.

Why is there a tax? - the tax is there to supply our alliance bank with resources and money that go later into grants.

Purpose of the tax:

  • Supplying our alliance for possible conflicts,
  • Gathering money and resources for the bank,
  • Insuring faster growth of smaller members.

How to get grants?

Ask anyone from the leadership on P&W or discord (preferably discord via the grant channel) (we are more active on discord than in-game).

Any hostility towards our members will be taken seriously!

>Our alliance is open for treaties!<

Message me (Federal Republic of Silesia) and tell me what treaty your alliance would want with the European Coal and Steel Coalition!

<Or join our discord and we will discuss there!>

≈Discord is not mandatory!≈

≈But we have one!≈


PIAT - United nations of the orbis  |  The Freedom Arc  |  Western Connection  |  The Northern Alliance  |  Swing Set

ODoAP - Pines Empire  |  Galactic Empire  |  THE GALACTIC FIGHTERS  |   The Astral Order  |  United Balkan States  |  The Hanseatic League  |  The Republic of free nations

MDoAP - ThunderClan Cats


  • 23.01.2025 Year - 86 Merge

European Coal And Steel Coalition goverment positions:

President:Fbiguy 1d7cc8d9285e60b2f3dadd6e7f9d89127d93265a1000x667591.png
Prime Minister:Philippe V 57339350679c2f569ff2be56f612a61f56c09acax986.gif
Internal Affairs Minister:Jorge IV 305773fb029d234ae484cd9454d74cc85bb9b36fx464.png
Foreign Affairs Minister:Pawelgamer3039 c85b1230eb279671eada84525320a4b9dbbdf20b1000x638830.png
Minister of finances:Cyrus Coates 19bfee1b29330b1d8d803a3823a8ce0b3fc31dc11000x666787.png
Military Commander:Darius Dracovia 4a4da0e8871376a16764f293481ae263aa537c371000x666546.png

I would like to thank VaderR for most for delivering help to me (Federal Republic of Silesia) and our alliance.

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status
pink chicken animations01/05/20253lime763.962,291.89Active
Western Connection01/12/20252lime1,008.202,016.40Active
United Balkan States01/15/20252aqua296.00592.00Active