View Alliance
European Coal And Steel Coalition


«Everyone is free to join our alliance!»

No matter the score, military, industry. You just need to be active!

Goals Of Our Alliance:

  • Development, growth, militarization and industrialization of our members,
  • Cooperation in the area of industry,
  • Military cooperation,
  • Creating a friendly community.

You can ask me (Federal Republic of Silesia) or Fbiguy for:

  • Grants in money and resources,
  • Military aid,
  • Help in understanding the game mechanics.

Our tax is set at 3% for money and resources - you may be wondering: "where does the tax go?".

We can give you a simple answer - it goes into the alliance bank to further go into money and resource grants which we give to our members.

Why is there a tax? - the tax is there to supply our alliance bank with resources and money that go later into grants.

How to apply for the grant?

Simply ask me or Fbiguy for the grant (which resource and how much). If we will have enough of it in the alliance bank and the requested amount will be acceptable then you will be granted the resources.

>Our alliance is open for treaties!<

Message me (Federal Republic of Silesia) and tell me what treaty your alliance would want with the European Coal and Steel Coalition!

≈Discord is not mandatory!≈


Protector - BlackPanther

PIAT - United nations of the orbis

ODoAP - The United Nations  |  Pines Empire

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status

This alliance has an alliance-member only market.