Politics and War is created in English, but we offer a translation option to translate the game into your preferred language. Please note that the translation is automatic based on Google's neural translation and not perfect,
but our goal is to make the game as accessible as possible for all players.
Note: This popup will not appear again. If you wish to change your language in the future you will be able to find this language selection option in the website footer or on
the Account Page.
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Welcome to Raiders & Traders LLC A home for Pirates, Privateers & Buccaneers.
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War dodgers, ghosters, mercs, bank stealers and leakers need not apply!
Speak to us about a raid before countering! Your first peace out is free! Countering and then asking for peace will automatically be declined.
Want some extra guns on defense? Sign a treaty with us for help against other alliances! Want help in a global? Sign a 2 month treaty with us before the war starts!
Have an issue with one of our members? Speak up to leadership. Spy-ops will be seen as an attack on the alliance.
We will defend all members and all applicants up to 2 weeks inactive.