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The Empire of Azora




 Welcome citizen to The Empire of Azora

I am happy to introduce you all to Azora and her empire's system. We are a constitutional Monarchy, led by the King and Queen Kali and Chloe. Whom are advised by The speaker of the Chambers an elected official of government who is voted upon by the members of our alliance's Upper and lower chambers. Which positions within can be earned through showing immense Valor and Dedication to our Alliance.

    We strive for the creation of our own special slice of the orbis, where our people can be who they are and feel accepted too. Here at the Empire of Azora, we strongly encourage members who are free to use Discord to apply. So you can make the most of what we are seeking to offer. However, despite this we allow non-discord members to apply as well. As long as you can stay active, we have no problems having you join us :).

    Our Lore: The Empire of Azora, is an Ancient civilization dating back to the very Dawn of time. The Azoran Civilization otherwise known as The Atlanteans remained on earth for a long portion of its vast history. Before one day disappearing into the vast unknown. However Today The Empire of Azora has returned emerging from the depths of Space. Ready to assert its presence upon the vastness of the Orbis.
    We are a Shadow Valley protectorate, any attacks upon us will be treated as an attack on Shadow Valley and will be countered by any means Necessary!!!

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