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City Skylines European Suburbia


little slice of heaven

Basic Information
Alliance Name: City Skylines European Suburbia
Leader: KiWilliam , deathbiter , Gerald Bashir
Founded: 09/27/2024 (0 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Roman Purple
Members: 3
Alliance Rank: #100 of 515 (19.42%)
Score: 12,422.96
Avg Score: 4,140.99
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 1 (33.33%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 105
Total Infrastructure: 30,606.36
Total Land: 381,810.00
Total Population: 4,365,584
Total GDP: $11,985,193,252
Total Soldiers: 0
Total Tanks: 0
Total Aircraft: 0
Total Ships: 0
Total Spies: 13
Total Missiles: 2
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 275
Wars Lost: 351
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text

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