Politics and War is created in English, but we offer a translation option to translate the game into your preferred language. Please note that the translation is automatic based on Google's neural translation and not perfect,
but our goal is to make the game as accessible as possible for all players.
Note: This popup will not appear again. If you wish to change your language in the future you will be able to find this language selection option in the website footer or on
the Account Page.
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THE GALACTIC GUILD is a protectorate of CAMELOT. All aggression directed at anyone associated with THE GALACTIC GUILD, member or otherwise, will be condemned.
Interested in joining our ranks? Apply through ourDiscord today and start the application process.
Questions to ask yourself beforehand:
What is my playstyle?
What can I offer TGG?
How active will I be?
What resources will I produce?
Am I ready to become rich?
What are you waiting for? Join THE GALACTIC GUILD and become richer than you ever have been!
What we look for in a new guild member:
Resource production: The Galactic Guild is an ECON based alliance that looks for members interested in being production powerhouses.
Loyalty: We need members that trust the judgement of our leaders and staff, and won't be scared away by hard times.
Knowledge: We want players that don't treat knowledge like a currency, and instead share all they can with fellow members about what they might have specialty in.
Friendliness: Applicants that have their ego's in check, a good head on there shoulders, and a sense of humour, will be top pick for acceptance into The Galactic Guild