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What we stand for:


Your money, your way!: With adaptive tax brackets, you choose how you want to be a part of CRIMSON DAWN.


Discord optional: Whether you are looking for community, or just need a helping hand, our Discord server is always an option. Find knowledgeable people who have your best interest in mind.


A “Do it your way” attitude: Joining CRIMSON DAWN doesn’t forfeit your nation’s autonomy. Our guidelines don’t control the growth of your nation, but in the event you want advice, you won’t be able to find someone who doesn’t want to offer it.


Growth: We believe an alliance's job is to help its members grow to be their best version. That is why we offer grants for up to C5, as well as loans for projects and nation growth.


Your Future: There is a lot of room in CRIMSON DAWN for anyone to rise through the ranks. Starting as a member doesn’t mean you’ll stay a member if you don’t want to. No experience; no problem.


P&W Isn’t Life: At CRIMSON DAWN, we understand that P&W isn’t your job. That’s why we have no mandated sign-in timeframes. Whether you log in once a day to check on things, or you play so much, you’re practically a politician, we accept all.


Please understand that prolonged unregistered absences may result in ‘disciplinary’ action. Please log in to P&W once a month to guarantee your position in the alliance, or inform a government official.



CRIMSON DAWN is an extension of BLACK SHEEP. All aggression directed at anyone associated with CRIMSON DAWN, member or otherwise, will be condemned.


Interested in joining our ranks? Apply in-game, or through our Discord today!

Basic Information
Alliance Name: CRIMSON DAWN (CD)
CRIMSON GOD: Cooper Fieldsman
CRIMSON KIN (High Gov.): Edward l
Founded: 09/24/2024 (2 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: SolREDarity
Members: 3
Alliance Rank: #216 of 516 (41.86%)
Score: 2,894.79
Avg Score: 964.93
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 1 (33.33%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 14
Total Infrastructure: 34,271.17
Total Land: 35,650.00
Total Population: 4,331,018
Total GDP: $7,118,327,862
Total Soldiers: 168,020
Total Tanks: 13,040
Total Aircraft: 766
Total Ships: 166
Total Spies: 50
Total Missiles: 0
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 1
Wars Lost: 0
No Applicants

Calling ALL: experienced; eager; or both!

Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
Extension Black SheepN/A