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The Fear


The Fear

in memoriam of Hamer



An ode; to Hamer

Author: Anon Annunaki

In a small village in the heart of England,
Lies a tale of Hamer, a man quite grand.
He brewed the finest beer in all the land,
And tended to his pigs with loving hand

But Hamer had a secret, known to few,
He spent his nights with prostitutes, it's true.
He'd guzzle down his beer and then pursue
The women of the night, a risky brew.

Despite his habits, Hamer was well-liked,
For his beer was sweet and his pigs were plump,
His football team was strong, they never slumped,
And in his village, Hamer was a rite.

But one fateful day, disaster struck,
Hamer's pigs fell ill, they ran amok.
His beer turned sour, his luck was stuck,
And the prostitutes he loved no longer luck.

To make matters worse, England's team had lost,
The World Cup was a dream forever tossed.
Hamer's heart was heavy, his soul was crossed,
He felt the weight of all he had cost.

As he sat alone in his empty pub,
Hamer knew his time on earth was done.
His pigs lay dead, his beer was shunned,
And the prostitutes had all moved on.

But in the midst of all this gloom,
A light shone through the gathering doom.
Hamer's football team arrived in full bloom,
To lift him up from his impending tomb.

They sang his praises, they raised a cheer,
For the man who had brought them all such cheer.
They told him he was loved, he need not fear,
For in their eyes, he was still revered.

And so, with his friends surrounding him,
Hamer took his final breath with gleam.
He knew his time on earth was dim,
But in his heart, he felt redeemed.

For in the end, it's not the pigs or beer,
The prostitutes or football that we hold dear.
It's the love we share, the friends we revere,
That make our lives worth living here. 

So raise a glass to Hamer, a man of might,
Who lived his life with all his might.
Though he may be dead, his spirit takes flight,
And in our memories, he shines bright


Wheas the undermentioned are considered fugitives from the justice of The Fear and are subject to punishment at any time from The Honorable State of The Fear.


for High Crimes against the state and her guv'ners.
Georgie Porgie | Pictured to the right.



the active warrants are updated regularly.




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