View Alliance
European Broadcasting Union




The European Broadcasting Union (EBU; Geor: ევროპული ტელეარხის გაერთიანება, ეტგ) is an alliance of public service media organisations whose countries are within the European Broadcasting Area or who are members of the Council of Europe

EBU members are public service media (PSM) broadcasters established by law but are non-partisan, independent and run for the benefit of society as a whole.

every alliance that is friends or is somehow connected with the EBU has the right to broadcast Eurovision, the European Championship and others in their territories.

the alliance brings with it news about certain things, the organization of competitions and the organization of countries around it.

everything will happen live on YouTube


in order to make friends with an alliance, you need to send a treaty and if accepted, its countries can participate in the competition

Basic Information
Alliance Name: European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
Leader: Shimon Meir
Founded: 09/11/2024 (201 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Singularity Owns Blue
Members: 1
Alliance Rank: #312 of 495 (63.03%)
Score: 919.87
Avg Score: 919.87
Accepting Members: No.
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 1 (100%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 8
Total Infrastructure: 6,794.84
Total Land: 10,800.00
Total GDP: $497,354,494
Total GNI: $428,251
Total Soldiers: 0
Total Tanks: 0
Total Aircraft: 0
Total Ships: 0
Total Spies: 4
Total Missiles: 0
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 0
Wars Lost: 26
No Applicants
Eurovision rules

Eurovision song contest rules

EBU introduces NATO

new broadcasting member

upcoming Eurovision

here it comes, right?

See All
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
PIAT North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationN/A