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Paladins of the Sacred Oath



    PSO or Paladins of The Sacred Oath  is an alliance that focuses on community, respect, and growth. We consider all of our nations, both members and applicants, to be active regardless of when they were last online. 


*High Paladin:: Vacant*                                      

*Council Of Oath Keepers: Vacant* 

*Minister Of Defense: Vacant*

*Minister of Economy:Vacant*

*Minister of Membership:Vacant*

 *Minister of Education and Culture:Vacant*

 *Assembly Of the Just:Vacant*

*High Court of Virtue:Vacant

*Low Court of Virtue:Vacant


**Alliance Name: Paladins of the Sacred Oath**


Welcome to the Paladins of the Sacred Oath, where honor, loyalty, and justice thrive! Our alliance is dedicated to protecting the weak and forging a brighter future through unity and strength. Every member is vital to our mission, and we believe in the power of collaboration.

**Core Values:**
Honor Above All: We uphold the highest ethical standards in our actions.
Loyalty and Brotherhood: We stand together in times of prosperity and strife, fostering strong bonds.

Strategic Warfare: We engage in battles with skill and respect for our opponents.
 Community and Growth: We encourage skill development and knowledge sharing.

What We Offer:
Training Programs: Enhance your combat and diplomatic skills.
Alliance Events: Join exclusive events and raids to boost camaraderie. Supportive Leadership: Our leaders prioritize member needs and foster a positive environment.

If you seek a place to grow, be recognized, and uphold the values of honor, join the Paladins of the Sacred Oath! Together, we will rise and ensure that justice prevails!



Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status

This alliance has an alliance-member only market.