View Alliance
Protectors of Rex


No Discord needed for this alliance. Join and receive benefits without committing to anything, you will be looked after! Tax Rates are generally low, unless you have been at war or taken resources, in which case they are a little bit higher.

Leader: Bob101

Administrational Leader: Bob Kuiki

Deputy Leader: Pi Eater

Tax Rates:

No Tax Band: Nations with 4 or less cities, or if your nation is at war (only lasts 7 days, with a cooldown of 7 days)

Low Tax Band: Nations with 5-9 cities. Money gets taxed at 5% and resources gets taxed at 3%.

Middle Tax Band: Nations with 10-19 cities. Money gets taxed at 7% and resources gets taxed at 5%.

High Tax Band: Nations with 20+ cities. Money gets taxed at 10% and resources gets taxed at 7%.

Resource Tax Band: If you take money or resources without paying it back in full before 7 days, you will be moved to this tax band until you pay it back in full. Money gets taxed at 15% and resources are taxed at 10%.

Post-War Tax Band: If you have been at war for 7 days, you will be moved here to make up for the no tax. This will be for 7 days. This only counts if you are attacked, if you have been attacked, this process will be reset.  Money is taxed at 20% and resources are taxed at 15%.

ODoAP: Kronos League

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status

This alliance has an alliance-member only market.