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Following a recent state of emergency the government of Pravida voted to enact martial law to quicken decision making among other things. The main group of the Pravidan military being the UAF has taken over responsibility for Pravida.


This is a highly trained ground with forces from forces around the world vastly American tier 3 and 4 operators. Setting up a highly professional and effective military organization within Pravida from the days of UNO and Atlantis.  


With this change the lead of UAF has taken charge taking the role of El General while maintaining most of the former gov just changing their roles. 


The UAF leads the future of Pravida now! Refer to this link if you wish to join a new kind of revolution and add to the history books of Pravida!

(temp desc)

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Pravida (TURFP)
El Presidente: Commander Kay
Commandante: Verip
Capitan: Nymphrodell
District Revolutionary: Tyhunter , John the 17th , Cece
Founded: 08/02/2024 (236 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Liberty Red
Members: 12
Alliance Rank: #72 of 487 (14.78%)
Score: 38,154.53
Avg Score: 3,179.54
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 1 (8.33%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 203
Total Infrastructure: 361,292.55
Total Land: 446,001.00
Total GDP: $52,642,294,427
Total GNI: $56,221,259
Total Soldiers: 672,000
Total Tanks: 135,541
Total Aircraft: 12,713
Total Ships: 986
Total Spies: 341
Total Missiles: 47
Total Nuclear Weapons: 2
Wars Won: 849
Wars Lost: 181
Lily the Silly855.69
kaworu Nagisa10.25
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
Extension The High TableN/A
NAP The ExiledN/A