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The Revolutionary Front of Pravida was born from the ashes of the once-mighty Atlantis, a nation that crumbled under the weight of its own tyrannical leadership of Praxedes IV. In stark contrast to its predecessor, the Revolutionary Front of Pravida stands as a beacon of hope, unity, and democracy. Our alliance is built on the principles of shared power, transparency, and community engagement, ensuring that tyranny will never take root within our ranks. Our diverse branches work in harmony to uphold justice, enforce laws, train new members, defend our people, and manage our resources effectively.


Branches of the Revolutionary Front of Pravida:

El Tribunal Revolutionario:
  - Leadership: Jefe of Legal Affairs
  - Purpose: El Tribunal Revolutionario is the cornerstone of our legal system, dedicated to maintaining stability and delivering justice. This court is responsible for punishing members who are found guilty of crimes with sufficient proof. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in creating new laws, which must be approved by all three leaders (with the third leader to be elected soon). The court also acts as a watchdog, ensuring that the leaders themselves remain free from corruption.


La Esquadra De Camilla Velasquez:
  - Founder: Camilla Velasquez
  - Leadership: Jefe of Internal Affairs (IA)
  - Purpose: Named after the revolutionary Camilla Velasquez, this police department is tasked with enforcing the laws of the alliance and bringing offenders to justice. Led by the Jefe of IA, the department ensures that order is maintained and that all members adhere to the rules set forth by El Tribunal Revolutionario. A new position will be created for future leadership.


La Academia de Pravida International:
  - Origins: Formed from the remnants of the RAD
  - Leadership: Jefe of Foreign Affairs (FA) and El Presidente
  - Purpose:This academy is dedicated to training new recruits who join our alliance, especially those with a nation score under 1000. The program is currently led by the Jefe of FA and El Presidente, with plans for a future Jefe role. The academy utilizes materials from other experienced alliances to help new members grow their nations and become integral parts of Pravida.


La Fuerzas Revolutionario Nacional de Pravida (FRNP):
  - Leadership: Commandante, Presidente, and Jefe of FA
  - Purpose: The FRNP is our military branch, created to plan and execute calculated attacks and defend our members. Currently led by the Commandante, Presidente, and Jefe of FA, it will eventually be overseen by the Jefe of Military. The army is committed to countering any threats against Pravidians and providing support to applicants and members alike.

El Banco National:
  - Leadership: Jefe of Finance
  - Purpose: The National Bank manages our alliance’s treasury, ensuring loans are documented and the treasury is controlled effectively. Led by the Jefe of Finance, the bank provides loans with interest, except for loans to the API, where the interest is covered. This system ensures financial stability and growth for all members.



Our mascot, Steven the Eagle, embodies the spirit of our alliance. His Resilience and Honor shines bright in his Character. As he has wings, Pravida has wings. To show our Growth even in hardships. As like Steven, Pravida never gives up.

We pride ourselves on being an open and friendly community. The Revolutionary Front of Pravida is more than just an alliance; it is a family where every member’s voice is heard, and everyone has a role in shaping our future. Together, we strive to create a society where tyranny is impossible, and democracy flourishes.

Join us in the Revolutionary Front of Pravida and be a part of a movement that values justice, unity, and shared power. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.

PATRIA Y HONOR VIVA LA REVOLUCION (Homeland and Honor, Long Live the Revolution)

Here is our Discord for anyone interested in joining- Discord isn't mandatory but highly suggested

For FA enter the Server and create a Ticket.



Basic Information
Alliance Name: Pravida (TURFP)
El Presidente: Commander Kay
Commandante: Verip
Capitan: Nymphrodell
District Revolutionary: Tyhunter , John the 17th , Cece
Founded: 08/02/2024 (196 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: SolREDarity
Members: 18
Alliance Rank: #72 of 498 (14.46%)
Score: 33,336.78
Avg Score: 1,852.04
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 1 (5.26%)
Beige Nations: 3 (16.67%)
Gray Nations: 3 (16.67%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 203
Total Infrastructure: 252,787.95
Total Land: 406,361.00
Total Population: 28,986,928
Total GDP: $30,114,930,990
Total Soldiers: 2,359,225
Total Tanks: 163,119
Total Aircraft: 9,311
Total Ships: 1,514
Total Spies: 177
Total Missiles: 24
Total Nuclear Weapons: 3
Wars Won: 844
Wars Lost: 229
Ri Ming176.50
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
Extension The High TableN/A
NAP The Republic of free nationsN/A