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Dead Poets Society





"Carpe, Carpe Diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse."


What is Dead Poets Society?

Dead Poets Society is an alliance for those seeking to be free from harsh rules and regulations. 
Always 0/0 taxes, we'll provide the means for players to lift themselves up to be extraordinary. 
There is no "leadership". 
There is no "departments". 
We at the Dead Poets Society contribute as a group, for the group defined by the 4 pillars of Welton.



Never Change, Never Falter.

We will never change how we operate under any circumstances.
Taxes will never be added and we'll never become an authoritarian regime. 
Dead Poets Society is for all and will work for all.



Offer the Olive Branch, not the Sword.

Dead Poets Society will work with alliances across the board. 
Please reach out with any needs or requests via Discord. 
We will never renege or back out of a deal or treaty.



An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.

We will be disciplined and determined in our efforts to protect
and defend all members and applicants regardless of perceived activity.



Strive to be better than the day before.

All members have the right to work on themselves as a player and a person. 
We will continue now and forever to provide a learning experience to everyone.

Discord is only required for those who wish to have a say in the actions of Dead Poet Society.
Anyone can apply and join.

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Total Nations: 15