View Alliance
Great Nordic Empire







Foreign Affairs

We are switching out FA stuff over to GNE Foreign Affairs feel free to join and ping @Ambassador and we will be right with you when we get a chance. Thank you in advance :D

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Our mission is to form a strong bond between our fellow members as we sail the treacherous oceans of Orbis. Alone you are not brother, Alone you are not sister as the Great Nordic Empire is here with you! Join us as we forge a strong brotherhood out of the blood, sweat and tears of our enemies! Together we shall grow, Together we shall fight, Together WE ARE THE GREAT NORDIC EMPIRE!!!!

How to sign up: (Discord Mandatory)

Just join into the discord and say whats up :D We will get with you as quick as we can, as we are busy people. Glad to have you and we hope you enjoy your stay here at GNE!

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We reserve the right to defend our allies, members and applicants regardless of their perceived activity level or other reasons you may use to wage war on them.






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