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Wall Street



 The pulse of global finance and the playground of titans. At its heart, the stock market fuels the world's economy. It's a high-stakes arena where fortunes are made and lost in seconds, and financial legends are born. Join the thrill of the market and be part of the action where power and wealth collide.


President - Hamer

Vice President - Deraj


Head Of FA - Samuel

Head Of MA - Sophia

Head Of IA - Spoeb

Head Of EA - vacant



Managers Of FA - Conan 

Managers Of MA - Aloy 

Managers Of IA - kiwi

Managers Of EA - vacant


Protectorate of The Fighting Pacifists

Stratton Oakmont Finances is our extension.



Here in Wall Street, we have many different reasons for all nations big and small to join us on our journey. In amongst our lively, tight-knit community, we provide grants and other bonuses that are sure to grow your nation to the higher tiers that everybody dreams of. If you like the sound of this, come down to our Discord server and open an application ticket. We are excited to have you!


For any FA enquiries please join our FA Server

For any urgent FA please contact hamer





Basic Information
Alliance Name: Wall Street (WS)
President: Deraj
Chairmen: Spoeb , Neo Le , Johann Olsen
The Managers: Aloy , Laser kiwi , Cian , HHx4xHH , Conan
Broker: Islachi , Eddie Santiago , Talisbi
Founded: 06/16/2024 (13 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: $ublime
Members: 26
Alliance Rank: #51 of 528 (9.66%)
Score: 92,707.12
Avg Score: 3,565.66
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 2 (7.69%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 484
Total Infrastructure: 1,060,842.12
Total Land: 1,330,350.00
Total Population: 137,517,111
Total GDP: $171,027,119,165
Total Soldiers: 381,456
Total Tanks: 223,298
Total Aircraft: 32,143
Total Ships: 98
Total Spies: 961
Total Missiles: 38
Total Nuclear Weapons: 16
Wars Won: 2,173
Wars Lost: 437
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
Extension Stratton Oakmont financesN/A
Protectorate The Fighting PacifistsN/A