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It aww stawted with Owowa-01 mothership with just two passengews on its boawd. Theiw goaw was simpwe - expwowe the univewse and find a new home. The Eawth’s wewwbeing was at stake, with two opposing factions cwashing, one wed by Woquentin, a geneticawwy modified guinea pig who dweamt of wowwd domination, and the othew, wed by the Shining Knights and theiw cowpowate shawehowdews. These passengews, Jack and Maia, wewe Woq’s awdent suppowtews, which was theiw downfaww. Weaving the Eawth and going into space was the onwy choice they had, to fowget the past and stawt anew. They found mowe peopwe who wewe wiwwing to join theiw adventuwe, cawwing themsewves space wandewews, “Oworians” in theiw native tongue. They had nothing to caww home, except fow theiw spaceship, untiw the fatefuw day when it met Pwoxima Centauwi C, the fiwst habitabwe pwanet they came acwoss. The owd twusty mothership couwd then wetiwe fwom its duties. Now, today's Expwowews - how we caww ouw weadewship - have even mowe ambitious pwans than theiw successoows: It is not about suwvivaw anymowe. It's ouw time to cwaim what is ouws and cowonize and conqwew space.

Aftew NPOLT Owowa's Mothership was badwy damaged, they awwived back on Pwoxima Centauwi C. With what wemaains of the Owowa cwew and fweet, they wanded and stawted webuiwding. Jack and Wandbeforetime had wed and fought a waw fow nine wong months. They knew if nothing changed, Owowa wouwd soon faww, then a few days watew, a stwanded ship passed by the system sending out a distwess beacon. Jack and Wand decided to send a team to check it out. On boawd, they found Kan0601 and ToxicPeppew, the captains of the VooDoo stawship. Aftew they wewe bwought back to Pwoxima Centauwi C, Jack and Wand instantwy found what they wewe wooking fow, hope. With Kan0601's and Toxic's cwew and ship, they webuiwt Owowa and wecweated the gwowious empiwe.

Aftew yeaws of pwospewity, Kan0601 and ToxicPeppew gwew owd and wesigned, fowging theiw own paths of new adventuwe in the unknown weaches of deep space, pwomoting Awex W and Xi Jinping to be the new Ship Commandew and Constellation Commandew, wespectivewy.

Fow an age, aww was weww fow the space empiwe, as it cwushed wegions of foes, gwowing stwong, wespected, and powewfuw. Untiw one day it was noticed, aww too wate, that the entiwe Pwoxima Centawi staw system was being devouwed by an uwtwamassive bwack howe—wo and behowd, the Event Howizon had been cwossed!


 -HS Extension

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Auwowa
Leader: SlyWolf
Heir: Sophia Wick
Founded: 06/16/2024 (17 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Aqua Antarctica
Members: 2
Alliance Rank: #107 of 533 (20.08%)
Score: 11,723.50
Avg Score: 5,861.75
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 56
Total Infrastructure: 140,000.00
Total Land: 275,700.00
Total Population: 19,811,669
Total GDP: $26,481,118,343
Total Soldiers: 0
Total Tanks: 34,500
Total Aircraft: 4,170
Total Ships: 0
Total Spies: 120
Total Missiles: 12
Total Nuclear Weapons: 2
Wars Won: 315
Wars Lost: 70
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
Extension House StarkN/A