In the seemingly desolate world of Orbis, billions have been crushed under rubble and obliterated by nukes. But out from under the ruins emerged peoples that had a vision of a peaceful utopian society in the skies in possession of endless resources where all were equal and free. Now, together they rise towards their bright new future, eliminating all obstacles that stand in their way. |
The Refugee Meowers |
In the seemingly desolate world of Orbis, billions have been crushed under rubble and obliterated by nukes. But out from under the ruins emerged peoples that had a vision of a peaceful utopian society in the skies in possession of endless resources where all were equal and free. Now, together they rise towards their bright new future, eliminating all obstacles that stand in their way. |
Basic Information | |
Alliance Name: | The Refugee Meowers (MEW) |
Leader: | FilMig |
Founded: | 06/06/2024 (232 Days Old) |
Color Trade Bloc: | Camelot The Kingdom On Maroon |
Members: | 0 |
Alliance Rank: | #359 of 503 (71.37%) |
Score: | 0.00 |
Avg Score: | 0.00 |
Discord Server: | Click Here |
Accepting Members: | Yes! |
Statistics | |
Vacation Mode Members: | 1 (100%) |
Beige Nations: | 0 (0%) |
Gray Nations: | 0 (0%) |
Alliance Treasures: | 0 |
Alliance Treasure Bonus: | 0.00% |
Total Cities: | 5 |
Total Infrastructure: | 2,558.18 |
Total Land: | 8,500.00 |
Total Population: | 317,022 |
Total GDP: | $904,675,955 |
Total Soldiers: | 0 |
Total Tanks: | 0 |
Total Aircraft: | 0 |
Total Ships: | 15 |
Total Spies: | 16 |
Total Missiles: | 0 |
Total Nuclear Weapons: | 0 |
Wars Won: | 0 |
Wars Lost: | 33 |
Applicants | |
No Applicants |
Alliance Score Over Time | |||
Treaties | |||
Type | Alliance | Text | No Treaties to Show |