The United Front of Orbis |
An alliance of socialists, communists, and anarchists united to fight together against the evils of capitalism and imperialism. We seek to overthrow the Orbis bourgeoisie class. Low taxes Protection against raids Warm and welcoming community
President: Ayman Odeh (The Levant) Premier: not yet elected Council of Deputies: not yet elected Minister of Defense: Ayman Odeh Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ayman Odeh Minister of Finance: Nex (Kujawsko Pomorskie) Minister of the Interior: Obazee Precious (Edo Kingdom) Minister of Education: Maximus Democraticus (USPR) Minister of Culture: Hiroshiwa (Pokeland) Minister of Communications: Nex
MDP with Neo-Comintern MDP with Equality-Democracy Pact (EDP) ODoAP with Novus Junior Corporation Alliances that have an embassy is at UFO: Samurai Neo-Comintern Alliances where UFO has an embassy: United Socialist Nations Orbis Islamic League and Maghreb Union (both in the process)
Showing 0-50 of 29 Wars