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Orbis Islamic League


The Orbis Islamic League(ISLAM)


The Orbis Islamic League(ISLAM) is an Islamic Role-Playing alliance made by the former members of The Islamic League Of Power and devoted Muslims who are willing to fight against Islamophobists, after some outsiders funded by our enemies managed to unlawfully kicked the Caliph Abdulla Easa out, the Caliph's supporters such as his first alliance member Raja Zafar Ul Haq(Now Sardar Muhammad),hussain al-ghazzawi and Abdur Rehman were enraged and Officially Revolted.

Join Our Alliance to become a part of the Upper and Powerful class of Muslims in Orbis.


Rules Of The Orbis Islamic League

The Orbis Islamic League(ISLAM) has some pretty forgiving laws. The New laws will be voted on by members of the alliance using Google Forms polls. The laws are as following:

  • Poaching of members by other alliances will not be forgiven.
  • All members that are not in vacation mode, have open war slots and enough resources must attack enemies if they are active and are in war range of the enemy.
  • The counter policy applies for all current members, applicants would not be included.
  • More Rules will be added through voting on bills in the announcements tab.
  • All members must be 100+ score at all times of war and 150+ at all times of peace.
  • if someone was inactive for week , he will moved as an apply

For Full Charter:

Click Here


Communication for The Orbis Islamic League


discord link : click here ;)


The Orbis Islamic League High Govt.

Caliph: Dijan ibn Saleh

Emir Of New World: hussain al-ghazzawi

Emir Of Old World: Sardar Muhammad

defence minister : hussain swati

Gaid Al Mujahideen


The Orbis Islamic League Lower Govt

Diwan e Akbar

Wazir of FA: 

Wazir of MilCom: Hussain Swati

Wazir of EA: Dijan ibn Saleh

Diwan e Asghar

Pasha of MilCom: Arnes Al Albani


the alliance has fallen apart for unknown reasons and Dijan ibn Saleh has become the Caliph. 

Dijan ibn Saleh said that he would do everything to unite the ummah and make us strong.

together we are stronger!

there is currently no discord, the date still needs to be taken care of.

and don't forget Islam is peace! 

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