"The Ashurst Syndicate" is a clandestine alliance forged in the shadows, comprised of individuals and factions united by a common purpose and a relentless pursuit of power. With an enigmatic leader at its helm, the Syndicate operates with meticulous precision, orchestrating schemes and manipulations to further its agenda. |
The Ashurst Syndicate |
"The Ashurst Syndicate" is a clandestine alliance forged in the shadows, comprised of individuals and factions united by a common purpose and a relentless pursuit of power. With an enigmatic leader at its helm, the Syndicate operates with meticulous precision, orchestrating schemes and manipulations to further its agenda. |
Basic Information | |
Alliance Name: | The Ashurst Syndicate (TAS) |
Leader: | Admiral Ashurst |
Founded: | 03/22/2024 (274 Days Old) |
Color Trade Bloc: | LEGO AlfRED |
Members: | 0 |
Alliance Rank: | #352 of 493 (71.4%) |
Score: | 0.00 |
Avg Score: | 0.00 |
Accepting Members: | Yes! |
Statistics | |
Vacation Mode Members: | 1 (100%) |
Beige Nations: | 0 (0%) |
Gray Nations: | 0 (0%) |
Alliance Treasures: | 0 |
Alliance Treasure Bonus: | 0.00% |
Total Cities: | 8 |
Total Infrastructure: | 840.72 |
Total Land: | 10,950.00 |
Total Population: | 119,396 |
Total GDP: | $863,874,897 |
Total Soldiers: | 0 |
Total Tanks: | 0 |
Total Aircraft: | 0 |
Total Ships: | 0 |
Total Spies: | 7 |
Total Missiles: | 0 |
Total Nuclear Weapons: | 0 |
Wars Won: | 6 |
Wars Lost: | 110 |
Applicants | |
No Applicants |
Alliance Score Over Time | |||
Treaties | |||
Type | Alliance | Text | No Treaties to Show |