View Alliance
Equality-Democracy Pact



The Leadership


Adastran Empire 

Assistant President:


Military Affairs Minister:

New Slayland

Foreign Affairs Minister:

Currently Adastran Empire 

Internal Affairs Minister:

Currently Adastran Empire

Financial Affairs Minister:

Currently Adastran Empire

Alliance Constitution

We recommend you read the EDP's constitution before applying, it contains a simple set of information and a few rules which will help you throughout your membership.

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✨Newest Member of the Orbis Freedom Fighters :3✨



MDP with The United Front of Orbis (UFO)

NAP with The Grand Alliance (TGA)

ODP with Democratic States (DS)

Before proposing a treaty, please read Article XI in the Alliance Constitution - Page Two.


Anthem of the EDP

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status
The United Front of Orbis06/22/20240red0.000.00Active
Democratic States08/21/20240purple0.000.00Active