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Federal Republic of Viceoria

The Federal Republic of Viceoria is a nation led by President Marcellus Sterling on the continent of Asia. The Federal Republic of Viceoria's government is a Democratic Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The Federal Republic of Viceoria favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Federal Republic of Viceoria is the ⚜VD. At 145 days old, The Federal Republic of Viceoria is a mature nation. The Federal Republic of Viceoria has a population of 1,625,458 and a land area of 16,100.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 100.96. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

"In the noble pursuit of justice, equality, and the prosperity of our people, we, the architects of the Viceorian Constitution, hereby establish a framework that upholds the principles of liberty, safeguards the rights of every citizen, and charts a course for a thriving society. Let this document stand as a testament to our commitment to a future built on wisdom, compassion, and the collective well-being of all." -Preamble of the Viceorian Constitution 


Viceoria established itself as a sovereign state on February 7th, 1804 following the 1798 War of Independence where it seceded from the Kingdom of Joharta. Viceoria is a highly developed country with a large population, a good system of education and healthcare, well funded infrastructure, and an advanced and sophisticated economy. 

Viceoria ranks high in international measures of economic freedom, reduced levels of perceived corruption, quality of life, and quality of higher education. It is one of the most racially and ethnically diverse nations in the world. Considered a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities, its population has been profoundly shaped by centuries of immigration.As a democratic federal republic, Viceoria’s executive authority is vested in a popularly elected president and vice president who serve in four year terms. Many of its federal agencies and institutions are located in its capital, Bonaventure.

Viceoria's progressive capitalist economy is not only a driving force for national prosperity but also a model for other nations seeking to balance economic growth with social responsibility. As the Federal Republic of Viceoria continues to embrace innovation and inclusivity, its dynamic economy remains a testament to the power of a forward-thinking approach to capitalism.

Viceoria's workforce is highly skilled and adaptable, equipped with world-class education and training. The nation's commitment to quality higher education ensures a steady influx of talent into various industries, contributing to sustained economic growth.

Furthermore, Viceoria's commitment to social responsibility is reflected in its corporate culture. Many businesses prioritize sustainability, ethical practices, and social impact, aligning economic success with societal well-being. This conscientious approach has garnered international acclaim and positions Viceoria as a leader in responsible and sustainable business practices.

Viceoria has a first strike policy in the case it believes that the defense and sovereignty of the Republic or its allies is threatened.


Basic Information
Nation Name: Federal Republic of Viceoria
Leader Name: Marcellus Sterling
Nation ID: 591276
Founded: 01/08/2024 (145 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active in the last 7 days
Discord Username:bonaventurenights
Unique ID: 453b77d838bc7df6776c074e4
International Relations
Alliance: The Foundation Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:66 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Gray Inactive Group
Commendations: 18
Denouncements: 3
Nation Page Visits: 1,039
Population: 1,625,458
Infrastructure: 17,347.60
Land Area: 16,100 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 100.96 people/sq. mi
GDP: $920,064,217.00
GDP per Capita: $566.03
GNI: $113,770,135.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image ⚜VD
Government Type: Democratic Republic Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Urbanization Urbanization Icon
Social Policies: Libertarian
State Religion: None None
National Animal: National Animal ImageHarpy Eagle
Approval Rating: 0% (-22.1)
Pollution Index: 840 points
Radiation Index: 623.63 R (Global: 898.79 R)
OBL Team: Vice's Ball Busters
Nation Rank: #3,643 of 13,122 Nations (27.76%)
Nation Score: More Information 1,511.92
War Policy: Help Arcane Arcane Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 3,077.00
Infrastructure Lost: 2,091.00
Money Looted: $27,293,077.57
Wars Won: 8
Wars Lost: 1

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

8 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
05/19 06:09 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
05/19 12:05 pm - Christian III of Norlandia has publicly commended the nation of Federal Republic of Viceoria.
05/08 02:59 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
04/24 08:55 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria declared war on Schoolfr for the reason of "Assaulting alliance ".
04/12 06:11 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria placed an embargo on ManiakKeepup.
04/12 05:36 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria had war declared by ManiakKeepup for the reason of "You brought this on yourself".
04/10 12:21 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
03/31 03:34 pm - Rowan Cornelius III of Hurricane Land has publicly commended the nation of Federal Republic of Viceoria.
03/29 07:20 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
03/28 08:26 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria has publicly denounced the nation of Peposland led by Capdarros.
03/28 04:35 pm - RoManic approved Federal Republic of Viceoria's alliance application and set their alliance permissions to the default member position.
03/28 04:37 am - Federal Republic of Viceoria applied to join the alliance Western Republic.
03/28 04:37 am - Federal Republic of Viceoria left the alliance The Aequitas International.
03/27 02:14 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria placed an embargo on Peposland.
03/27 12:30 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria founded a new city, Vice City.
03/27 12:21 pm - Federal Republic of Viceoria had war declared by Peposland for the reason of "Blood for the Blood God!".
03/21 01:27 pm - Admiral Kemono of Kemono Ascendancy has publicly commended the nation of Federal Republic of Viceoria.
03/11 11:39 pm - Enclasio Minsiari of The Maritime Republics has publicly commended the nation of Federal Republic of Viceoria.
03/11 02:26 pm - OwO of UwU Empire has publicly denounced the nation of Federal Republic of Viceoria.
03/09 05:02 am - Duke Dennis of Gulag has publicly denounced the nation of Federal Republic of Viceoria.
03/09 02:18 am - Federal Republic of Viceoria has publicly denounced the nation of Gulag led by Duke Dennis.
03/09 02:10 am - Federal Republic of Viceoria has publicly denounced the nation of Star Kingdom of Manticore led by Sir Custelloc.
03/08 02:58 am - Federal Republic of Viceoria had war declared by Star Kingdom of Manticore for the reason of "For the glory of the Colonies, your resources are forfeit!".
Federal Republic of Viceoria and Luxembourg Defends Ponyreich, Secures Alliance Solidarity against Saffron Republic Aggression

Successful Defense of Alliance Member Ponyreich against Saffron Republic Aggression

Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
2 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Arms Stockpile
Arms Stockpile is a national project that boosts Munitions Factories' productivity by 34% nationwide.