Nation Bulletin


Ronald Douglas Western Isles Land advisor states "The whole climate cult is brainwashed, Climate change does not exist"

By Peter Finley. Editor. Author. interviewer. The Stornoway Evening Dispatch.
03/09/2022 12:53 am
Updated: 03/09/2022 01:00 am

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The matter of climate change on the Island has been a turbulent topic... and that is to put it lightly. The opposing sides on the debate have always been at one another, arguing for and against with vitality. The Douglas clan have been known to stand by the ancient yet controversial belief that climate change is not caused by human activity. They state that climate change is a naturally occurring phenomena that has changed the earth for thousands of millions of years. The idea, is  they believe, that it is normal for the earth to go through warmer and colder periods... each period lasting hundreds to thousands of years They also state that this is the main weakness of the climate change cults argument, who choose to ignore the comparative slopes and rises of temperatures through a longer spread of time. 

We are all acquainted with the Climate cults arguments and beliefs so I will not repeat them in great detail here. The general Idea is that greenhouse emission are destroying the earths climate due to the green house effect ;That human caused activity such as driving cars and not switching to renewable  energy is causing a rise in carbon dioxide. This is the general premise

It is clear to say that both sides intend to win the argument and therefore we have seen many attempts for this victory to be won. Yesterday at noon,  Ron Douglass who advises The Queen on land management made a very enthusiastic speech in Ballallan village hall against climate change. It was part of his circular Anti Climate Change Tour around the highlands and islands. My colleague David was there to record his grand speech.... 

The Gaelic translation will be dispatched at 2am today 


Welcome friends and fellow folk. 

I am truly proud to be on this tour to spread the truth once more. You all know by now how passionate I am about this cause. I do not wish to see more people be pulled in by lies and fear with he climate cults evil brainwashing schemes. I know most in the organisation  do not repeat the lies with malice. I know that those who carry the work out of the climate change cult are just doing what they have been brainwashed to do. But certainly in the upper realms of the climate change movement there is evil. Up there in the secrets societies the elite know of the lies they spread about the climate. They know the truth. The whole climate cult is brainwashed, Climate change does not exist. It is not caused by humanity. 

The true facts are kept hidden from the public. The idea that carbon dioxide, for example, causes temperature to rise is false! If you actually looked at the records you would find that the rise in temperature always comes before the increase in CO2. I have heard the evil technocrats and billionaires state that we need to reduce the level of C02 in the atmosphere. Bill Gates the psychopath (that is what he is)  wants to create a way to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere ! The man is pure evil. And people just flock and cheer and believe his incredible lies. If the just saw the truth they would realise that the earth is currently in a Carbon Dioxide deficit. 

Plants need  2000ppm of C02 to thrive and grow at the most nutritional levels. Plants start to die at  150 parts per million and  at 180ppm they starve. Today we have only 400ppm and, so you will find that plant life is still lacking in nutrition. During the era when dinosaurs walked the earth there was a enormous 4000ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. This is why in those days the jungle grew to such a large extent. Five million years ago we had 17 times more C02 in the atmosphere than we have today. So you see, fellow islanders -  Human activity does not effect the level of carbon dioxide in the environment as we have been told by the cult.

I did not come here to talk today about all the many facts. You can find those in a book we at The Douglass Faction recommend. this book is called "The politically Incorrect Guide To Climate Change' by Marc Marano. I came here to ask you to join me on my mission to break apart the climate cult and to petition our Queen to help me on my way. I have run out of time now, so I will take questions. Thankyou!


The book was available for all to buy at the end of the speech and there was a fairly good uptake. Now weather or not you believe him all of us must admit this man has gone through the storm to speak for his cause. 

Peter Finley. 

David Mcgreggan 

Stornoway Evening Dispatch