Nation Bulletin

Estimates show Roasis inc.'s attacks are as harmless as your drunk uncle on Christmas eve.

"I am beating like 7 people from Hollywood at the same time" - said no one

By Reporter Johnson Boris
05/26/2021 10:25 pm
Updated: 05/26/2021 10:25 pm

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“First, I attacked three weak nations from SoS to see how it'd go." “Then, I attacked another one and started getting countered." “When the 3 counters came in I thought I was doomed.” Declared PM Boris Johnson today in his press conference.


However, his fears soon dissipated as he realised how incompetent his opponents were. 


“I require Roasis inc. to look after the mental health of these individuals, they are not O.K” spitted the Prime Minister in tears after 2 of the counters against him depleted their resources while being blockaded. Players that now lay motionless in a corner, which makes them feel safe. 


These circumstances seem to now be commonplace in TKR, which lays clueless as to what to do. “I thought we were the ones being dogpiled, no I don't even know who I am :(”, sorrowly declared an active player of TKR.




Posted May 28, 2021 at 2:39 am

thats because the players hitting you were being hit by other players
