Nation Bulletin

Chancellor remembers that navy exists, orders taskforce back to Fort Amizade in Igua-Sul

Following the conclusion of the Nukeyan civil war, a Glatixian naval force was accidentally left in international waters for days.

By Chancellor Glatix di Glatix
02/25/2022 06:03 pm
Updated: 02/25/2022 06:03 pm

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Sailors stressed and stranded

Following the conclusion of the Nukeyan civil war, an entire carrier group (with an attached division of Glatixian marines) was simply left in place in international waters off the coast of Nukeya. Apparently, not a single member of the government had actually remembered to issue a withdraw order after the conflict had ended. The force had been in a state of standby since the chancellor had commanded the cessation of airstrikes against the NNFA, and no further updates had been sent, leaving the entire 30 ship task force to remain stranded in the middle of the north Atlantic.

While numerous attempts were made by the force to contact Naval Command, a six-night binge drinking run had left the entirety of the admiralty unable to answer their work phones. It wasn't until the chancellor read a bulletin put out by Igua-Sul that it was realized that a withdraw had never actually been ordered. The issue was quickly remedied, and the task force is currently in-route to Fort Amizade.

Members of the admiralty admitted that "going on a !@#$ and scotch fueled six nighter during an active conflict may have been an oversight" on their part.


Posted February 25, 2022 at 6:25 pm

That's funny
