Nation Bulletin

Gwlad Emrys Parliament Passes Freeport Bill

Reunited States will soon be allocated a freeport says Prime Minister.

By Gwlad Emrys Post
02/25/2022 08:58 am
Updated: 02/25/2022 08:58 am

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Today, the Gwlad Emrys Parliament has passed the long awaited Freeport Bill. The Bill describes the following:

The Freeport bill gives the power to the government to allocate a Port Town/City for the primary use of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs.

A Freeport will be allocated as a direct diplomatic link between one nation and Gwlad Emrys.

It will be regarded as International land.

A Freeport will be run by 4 governors, 1 chosen each by Gwlad Emrys and the nation in which the port contacts. 2 more governors will be voted directly by the people living in the Freeport.

A Freeport area will not be subject to Gwlad Emrys law. However, the people living in the Freeport area will receive a dual nationality citizenship - Gwlad Emrys and the nation the Freeport contacts.

A Freeport will be managed by its own police force and it's own standing military. No Gwlad Emrys or other nation's troops shall enter.

Trading in Freeports will be restricted between Gwlad Emrys and the nation the Freeport links.

All Diplomatic communication must be passed through the Freeport governors and all negotiations will be made through the Freeport authority.

Any treaties between nations must also be agreed and signed by all 4 Freeport governors.

Freeport governors appointed by a nation can be dismissed by that nation. However, elected governors can only be removed through a petition of 25% and then a referendum of the Freeport population.


The Liberal Leader called this move "a large step forward in our status in the world".