Nation Bulletin

Glatixland initiates anti-terrorist airstrikes against Nukeyan Nationalists!

The chancellor has ordered carrier-based fighter wings to begin striking terrorist elements in Nukeya.

By Glatixland State News
02/23/2022 04:56 pm
Updated: 02/23/2022 04:57 pm

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Fighting fear with furious force!

Following reports from Dreamistani media, Glatixland State News has confirmed that the nationalist rebels are utilizing scorched-earth tactics against the forces of the legitimate government of SSR Nukeya. This blatant destruction of infrastructure has been condemned by the chancellor as a violation of human rights, leading the state to declare the Nationalist Front to be a terrorist organization.

The chancellor had this to say:

"We originally stationed our fleet to secure Glatixian trade routes, but we cannot idly stand by as Nationalist Terrorists level Nukeyan cities and shed innocent blood in the name of their cause. What happens when they take the capital? Will they execute Glatixian merchantmen moored at Nukeya City? It's clear that standing idly by won't dissuade these Terrorists from further radical action, and so we will begin conducting limited anti-Terrorist operations via the El Diablo task force. We understand concerns by our friends in the international community, and while it's certainly true that -we- have leveled cities in the past, it was way cooler when we did it."

Three wings of Glatixian 'Hydra-71' naval bombers have already been scrambled from the El Diablo task force, and will initiate concentrated strikes against Nationalist positions around the besieged city of Takao. Glatixland State News has been instructed to issue a public notice that the Jingoistic States of Glatixland have no intention of any interventionalist action regarding the Nukeyan civil war. Any and all strikes are being done purely in the defense of Glatixian assets, and any argument to the contrary is likely being made by infant-eating terrorists.