Nation Bulletin

Glatixian fleet deployed to north Atlantic amid Nukeyan civil war

Given the increasing escalation of the Nukeyan civil war, the southern Atlantic task force has been rerouted to international waters in the north.

By Glatixland State News
02/23/2022 03:38 pm
Updated: 02/23/2022 03:38 pm

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Today, the 'El Diablo' task force was ordered northward, in order to secure Glatixian trade routes near Nukeya. The state expressed concerns that the Nationalist Rebels might strike neutral Glatixian merchant vessels, and believe that deploying a massive naval force is the only reasonable method of ensuring peace along the routes.

Ace reporter Chet Chadsworth spoke to Rear Admiral Karl Klachtlerbrekinsteinveidershtoff aboard the SS Stabya for details on the move:

Karl: "We've stationed our fleet at least a mile from the territorial waters of Nukeya, as we only wish to peacefully protect our trade interests during this tumultuous conflict."

Chet: "What about the rumors that the fleet has already sunk 3 different ships today?"

Karl: "They're lies made up by the filthy Nukeyan Nationalists. There's no proof that we did any such thing."

Chet: "Um, there's a video. In fact, you can be seen -ordering- the strike, then opening a champagne bottle in celebration, before using a piece of chalk to mark a tally on that large blackboard over there labeled 'scoreboard'."

Karl: "All doctored footage, likely created by the Nationalists."

Chet: "I just saw it happen."

Karl: "Did you now...?"

In other news, Chet Chadsworth has been found dead of suicide aboard the Stabya. He reportedly shot himself in the back of the head, tied his body to a spare anchor, and tossed himself overboard. Glatixland State News would like to remind viewers that the state denies any acts of aggression and that any forms of photo or video evidence, including livestreams, are photoshopped. Citizens who doubt the state's innocent intentions are advised to call the psychiatric hotline at 1-700-FIRINGSQUAD.