Nation Bulletin

(WITH VIDEO) Pro-democracy politician, shot dead by police while on a press conference

'I am quite certain that I will speak my very last words on this stage,' says Late Former Congressman Alchie Paray

By Atom Siraullo
02/21/2022 11:02 pm
Updated: 02/21/2022 11:02 pm

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MANILA, Filipinas – Late Former Congressman Alchie Paray holds his last press conference at Greenhills Mall where he was shot at close range by police chief whilst being tackled. The Press Conference he held came up amidst receiving death threats from high ranking officials of HM Government threatening him that he 'surrender to the police or else he and his entire family be raided in his own house.' Mr Paray has been known to be a very vocal critic of HM Government ever since he took the crown and purged the House of Representatives.

Figure 1: Alchie Paray (man in the black shirt) answering questions from the media


Let me ask you King Respeto, where will I go after this, the prison or the cemetery?' he said in the King's local dialect. 'Sooner or later you'll get dragged out of your tiny little palace there and get beat up to bits like Gaddafi'. When a reporter asked him about what he wants from the King he said, 'If the King were to grant me one wish, it is to send me to the cemetery.'

After the media stopped asking questions for a moment he looked through the cameras of PTV a government owned news network and proceeded to criticize HM actions and PTVs delivery of its news. Mr Paray told the PTV journalist that he was well aware of what the consequences of his actions when he was asked.


'Suicide Bomb Threats'

Figure 2: Police moving in to neutralize 'bomb threat' Alchie Paray


Around 10 o'clock in the morning, Manila Police District received multiple reports from unknown sources that Alchie Paray may have been carrying a deadly explosive beneath his clothes. And around 11 o'clock, policemen then started to come in the numbers surrounding the mall. At 11:30 police then slowly escorted journalists and reporters from Manila Bulletin, ABS-CBN, GMA7, TV5, Inquirer, Rappler, CNN Philippines, BBC and ABC (Australia) (all of which are known to have reported on HM government negatively) out of the press conference claiming that they were possibly targets of an attack.

Also just 3 blocks away from Greenhills Mall, the Manila Police District have set up field headquarters with Manila Police Chief Jason Sanchez claiming that they were there to ensure peace, law, and order among the journalists and reporters. 


Figure 3: Reporters and Journalists from several media corporations escorted out of Greenhills Mall


The press conference then ended at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Oblivious to Mr Paray is the police slowly encroaching at Greenhills as well as the escorting of several reporters out of the venue. A few moments later while waiting for his escort to arrive, Mr Paray was then suddenly tackled by a cop pretending to be a reporter and soon police start swarming onto the congressman. And not only a few seconds later a single gun shot which then sends Mr Paray and  the mob of policemen falling over to the pavement. Click here to watch Former Congressman Alchie Paray tackled and shot. Manila Police Chief Jason Sanchez later said that he was the one who shot and killed Alchie Paray claiming that Paray was reaching trying to reach over his gun to shoot them.


Mass Resignation

Figure 4: 4 Public officials along with several policemen resign after Paray's death


4 Public officials from different barangays along with several of their men then declared their mass resignation and called for the rest of the public officials to do so as well. They also condemned the actions of the HM government over the Mutiny Massacre and the assassination of Filipina opposition leader Ninoy Aquino and said that they were ashamed that they even thought of the King as the man of the people that will always put will of the filipina first.

HM government and Malacanang Palace have yet to make a statement regarding the whole situation.



Posted February 22, 2022 at 3:21 am

This is very distressing. A regime change may be imminent, and I fear it won't be for the better.

Posted February 22, 2022 at 5:30 am

you nailed the video editing. For a period I honestly thought this was real lol
