Nation Bulletin

Voting for the new Stinga Ding Party Coming up

The Stinga Ding election is coming up

By Stinga Ding election news
02/15/2022 08:43 am
Updated: 02/15/2022 08:44 am

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The economic future for the Stinga Ding nation does not look too good. When they were steel and gas they were pulling in millions of dollars in revenue barely spending any money on expenses. The Stinga Ding nation has been in 3 wars since the collapse of the Soviet Cities of Stinga Ding. Food prices are sore as people still keep using nukes. Food has increased to almost $200 PPU. The Nation of Stinga Ding had to take out a loan to feed the soldiers in the last war. The Stinga Ding government will be changing back to steel and gas when the new elections come around.

 The Stinga Ding election will be on July 28, 2073. The candidates will have their speeches on April 5th, 2073. These elections will be free and fair citizens who want to vote must have an id card and be able to state their birth certificate at the voting toll



Posted February 15, 2022 at 5:45 pm

Yes, we know, but the citizens do not know that
