Nation Bulletin


An hacker mysteriously gained access to the secret archives and files by zehurk

By Reporter Saddi Shiehksi
02/10/2022 01:37 am
Updated: 02/10/2022 01:37 am

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Mysterious "Hacker" gained access on zehurks archives, This behaviour was noticed when one official of the "circle" seen that one of the Archive that was in the computer suddenly got deleted by unknown reasons, because of this official "Zyvnn Ranolds" called the headquarters

And they called The Zehurk's elite forces, They tracked the hackers ip adress and immediately saw the real address, a raid was started and the forces succsesfully arrested the man, he was caught sending the infos of other arhives into a unknown country, and because of this he was sentenced to death, but what country was the hacker working for? The officials are STILL working for it "Wait for the updates" End.


