Nation Bulletin

Traitors In The Kah Resistence!

This news article is reported from the Kah side

By Jonathan Lon - Kah News Network (KNN)
02/04/2022 01:05 am
Updated: 02/04/2022 01:05 am

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After many days of intensive investigation by police detectives, resistance commanders and resistance leaders, the Kah Resistance group has discovered that a secret group lies deep within the Kah Resistance. This secret group is believed to have ties with the Octic Pure Gear Revolution coup regime based on the design of their group's flag, as well as the member's beliefs. The secretive group calls itself the Pure Nordic Cross Militia (PNCM) and consists about 1,400 members. While most members are said to hold only "basic resistance fighter" positions, it is suspected that 20 of them hold high ranking positions within the Kah Resistance as field generals or commanders. The secretive group was found after the infected escapees from the OPGR territory were interviewed and one of them revealed that they had seen some kind of black cloth with 2 red strips and 1 white strip down the middle, in one of the PNCM-undercover-resistance-fighter's bag. The other 2 escapees were able to give detailed descriptions of the PNCM-undercover-resistance-fighters as they sometimes took off their cloth masks to drink or wipe their sweat, attempting to do so discreetly but were not successful. 

It was also discovered that the 2 people that died from their stab wounds in the Nukeya building explosion incident were in fact a Kah Soldier Veteran, Ex-Resistance Fighter - who left due to sustaining injuries, and a PNCM member. The former was able to be identified as he managed to escape from the flames but later succumb to his stab wounds in the stairwell, while the latter was identified as he had a mini-velcro PNCM badge flag on his sleeve (which was charred in the fire but scrubbed clean to be identifiable). 

The Kah Resistance now understands that the Berlin Flu outbreak in Hoi Nup city and the terrorist explosion of 5 Kah-owned buildings were all caused by the Pure Nordic Cross Militia that has ties with the Octic Pure Gear Revolution coup regime. The purging and screening of all resistance members has been initiated to weed them out.


Posted February 03, 2022 at 6:09 pm

Igua-sul wants to declare full symbolic support on the Kah resistence, against these traitors and the OPGR

- Ministry of foreign affairs
