Nation Bulletin

The Pacfic Empire continues its wars of looting and conquest and declares war on the Grand Lynx Alliance

Another one in the long set of wars the Pacific Empire has been involved in.

By President Kamehamehah
02/02/2022 05:58 pm
Updated: 02/05/2022 02:50 pm

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After a while of resting and searching from the previous set of wars, President Kamehamehah ordered the remobilization of The Pacific Military and has declared war on the practically defunct Grand Lynx Alliance, largely consisting of inactive or vacation mode members. As looting has become a part of the economy of The Pacific Empire, we find it necessary to continue these wars to further strengthen our money and material reserves. As the Grand Lxnx Alliance continues to sleep, The Pacific Empire plans to continue its wars of conquest and looting, to further strengthen itself, and to gain money and materials through looting, and this defunct alliance would be one of the many victims of these wars.