Nation Bulletin

Husen-Kurl joins Soldiers of Liberty

"I hope to be a great Soldier of Liberty" says the President

By Mark Benobel
01/18/2022 10:33 pm
Updated: 01/18/2022 10:33 pm

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These are decisive weeks for Husen-Kurl and the events come thick and fast. On 7th April 2072 the President announced that Husen-Kurl leaves AFPED and joins SoL. In a press conference he stated that especially the protection but also the common values have convinced him of that step. He said: "I hope to be a great Soldier of Liberty" and furthermore that he wants to use the time after this great step to let his country recover from the last war. 


It is mentionable that for the first time since nearly 7 years existence of Husen-Kurl the President didn't keep his word publicly in such a short time. In his new year speech for 2072 he has claimed that " Husen-Kurl is [...] the future of AFPED and AFPED is the future of Husen-Kurl" and criticized those who were protesting to join a bigger alliance but now he just did that. After 83 days of existence he finally gave up the project of his own alliance. He also spoke about it in the press conference: " I am really sad that AFPED had to come to an end but I thanked all members for their dedication. In the end I have to admit that I was wrong and we couldn't protect ourselves enough to keep the alliance alive. I have to apologize for that." 


The President must hope that this apology will be well received by the population. It is possible, if not likely, that the recent war led to the decision and change of mind from the President. The damage of the war is now fully known. In the last war, called "The Devikea War", around 1,800 infrastructure was destroyed, a damage worth around 37,000,000$. In the war over 200,000 civilians died as well as 60,327 soldiers, 585 pilots and 60 marine officers. This makes it the most devastating war in the history of the country. The President showed the last honor on 10th August 2072.


For the reputation of the government this war has not really clear impacts. The government lost in comparison to the last poll in February but at least there could be a bit of hope now because if we only compare this week and last week then the government got 2% more which could be a hint for a positive development in the future, especially if the government party can now stabilize the nation within the new alliance. The new war led to a rise of the SP which is popular since 2 months for their demand of more safety. Here is the poll from 16th April 2072 and the development in comparison to February in brackets:

Sozialdemokratische Partei Husen-Kurls (SPHK) - 53,5% (-4,0%)

Stabilitätspartei (SP) - 26,8% (+6,0%)

Die Grünen (Grüne) - 14,7% (-1,7%)

Hispanic Party (HP) - 5,0% (-0,3%)


It remains to be seen how the President's move to join a larger alliance will affect his popularity in the future. It is unlikely that his party will reach levels of around 80% like around a year ago. They will have to work hard now to keep the absolute majority in the parliament when the election comes in the next year.