Nation Bulletin

Monster sighted in infamous Darkgreen Forest

we really need to set the whole thing on fire

By Maria Victir
05/17/2021 07:13 am
Updated: 05/17/2021 07:13 am

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Today we have reported that locals in Vectang county have been seeing monsters dwelling in the very infamous Darkgreen forest, an ancient forest that has a reputation for weird stuff to happen as well as taking many hikers lives most famous of them being actress Diana Voltaire who went there on a backpacking trip only to never return. 


Darkgreen Forest 

However in this case locals who have traveled through the forest in recent memory have reported seeing monsters of several types, the most common of these creatures that have been supposedly sighted is according to the locals, called the Helvete Elga which translates to “Hell Elk” and is described as a large moose like creature that appears to have a several human-like arms protruding from it. According to local tribes, the Helvete Elga is supposedly a nature spirit that guards the forest secretes from unwanted visitors, usually killing them in gross fashion


Artist depiction of the Helvete Elga based on local description 

Another creature that has also had an increase in sightings is the Vectang Devil, a large insect-like creature that is said to only appear when someone is lost in the woods and it will guide them to their deaths as it will then proceeded to devour them


 Artist depiction of the Vectang Devil based off on local descriptions

Currently, both Biologist and Zoologist agree that these sightings are probably locals misidentifying the local wildlife but the mayor of Vectang did make mention that “ As much as I want to believe the scientist I have serious doubts that these creatures are fake,  there is something most definitely wrong within those woods and needs investigating though we really need to set the whole thing on fire and call it a day”


as of now, the forest is once again close to tourist