Nation Bulletin

New Weinlandishmark Act is passed!

Today, a new currency is passed!

By Holder of the Treasury
01/16/2022 02:04 am
Updated: 01/16/2022 02:04 am

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The King today, passes the Weinlandishmark act!

This means that now the Vinelish Dollar is replaced with the Weinlandishmark, the Weinlandishmark will move us to the Uranium Standard!
Each Weinlandishmark will have 1 gram of uranium inside of it for 5 dollars. 50 Dollars will have 5 grams, and 100 will have 10 grams. If more then 5 100 Weinlandishmark(50g) Bills are held in your pocket or near your body too much, you will experience radiation sickness. 


Posted January 16, 2022 at 2:30 am

We’ll keep that out of nukeya’s central bank for now 
