Nation Bulletin

Riots in Sector K-52 over VR brothel closure

Riots erupted on the H34 Pathway late last night over the forced closure of longtime local business...

By Chadelius Chadwick (Sector K-52 Correspondent for AridriaUnderground)
01/06/2022 07:45 am
Updated: 01/06/2022 07:45 am

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Riots erupted on the H34 Pathway late last night over the forced closure of longtime local business Virtual Dreams. While building code violations was the reason given by Aridria Prime officials, many see this closure was part of a city wide attempt to clear up Sector K-52. Known by locals as Utopia, the sector has been the main black market for Euphoria-Inducing drugs, as well as armed goods, counterfeit IDs, and hacked AI systems. However in recent decades the area has seen as unprecidented rise in brothels, VR and otherwise. 


The Ardria Police planned to officially shut down the business at around 1:30 in the morning last night. However plans were delayed as locals fiercely blocked law enforcement vehicles from entering the area, with some entering the building and barricading it from the inside.  The crowd was a mix of longtime customers, local gangs, and troublemaking youth. AridriaUnderground was able to talk to one of the longtime customers, who wished to remain anonymous. This is what they had to say:


"Well personally I think its absolutely Bull****, going after a business that isn't causing any harm, if they were really concerned about us they would crack down on the recent disappearances in the area. Honestly I just really hope they aren't going to memory-wipe the AI machines in there, I mean I've been going to this place for the past 45 years, and the one thing I really love is that even though I get older, [the VR escorts] stay the same age." 


Others see the closure as part of a city-wide plan to trying to push its citizens from poorer sectors further underground, and out of sight of richer, above ground and on ground citizens. Reports of interest from multiple development moguls have also accelerated this speculation. 


The decision for closure has also been celebrated by some in the city, many AI rights groups have applauded the decision to close Virtual Dreams and see it as a step in the right direction for AI rights in the city. The Human & Cyborg for AI Rights, the largest AI rights group in the city released a statement the day of the decision:

"We are glad that this saga is finally coming to an end, hopefully these AI will be memory-wiped if they so choose and given new ID codes to begin life anew in this city."


Protests lasted much of the night and became violent around 3am, when police tried to use chip distressors to cause nausea and clear out the crowd, however many in the crowd had hacked chips, and were not affected. Soon after, one protestor was heard declaring that he was to "unleash the forbidden technique" to save the building. A makeshift timewinder device, likely brought off the black market, was used to attempt to bring the building and all inside to the the year 2029. A firefight began soon after, with both police and protestors exchanging fire, the police retreated from the area around 4:15am, with riot police and swat teams encircling the region. A blockade is currently in place, however it is likely the citizens are using stolen teleportation tech to get resources into the sector, given the sectors large population of smugglers, corporate spys, and hackers.  The area, as of 6:50am today, is quiet, with little activity seen in the streets. 


This owner of the establishment, known publically only as 0601, could not be found for a comment. 



Posted January 06, 2022 at 8:27 am

Reminds me of the recent Red-17-a outbreak in Kaltsintia in my nation we had to severely quarantine the entire place riots were everywhere when they found out

Posted January 06, 2022 at 8:44 am

We personally banned prostitution in La Punta to avoid the spread of STDs.
