Nation Bulletin

Smorgasbord resumes operations after food coma wears off.

I only gained 19 pounds over Christmas.

By Chief Glutton Sherman Klump
01/05/2022 08:30 pm
Updated: 01/05/2022 08:30 pm

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Every year the Eternal Smorgasbord celebrates it favorite state holiday, which lasts from Thanksgiving day until January 2nd. This is a joyous time of food, fellowship and, well, more food. Families gather nightly to to play games while basking in the glory of casseroles, popcorn, ice cream and steaks. 



After the final celebration of food on New Years Eve, the next great holiday arrives. The 5 days of sleeping. Smorgasbordians take to their homes to sleep off the meat sweats and allow all of their bloodstreams to return to normal after being 57% gravy.



Grand Poobah Tubby was quoted as saying, "This was a joyous holiday, but now back to real life.... until St. Paddy's Day!
