Nation Bulletin

Captains log

December 27, 2249/ Orbis Date July 31st 2071

By Newly Elect President Aron Mallard
12/27/2021 08:55 pm
Updated: 12/27/2021 09:32 pm

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2249, An Antares Class colony ship under the name Althea carrying 10 000 colonists encounters a spatial anomaly en route to the Anares II In the Arcon system.

With multiple system failures and structural integrity reaching limits the ship is thrown through what seems to be a wormhole before breaking through an atmosphere of a planet.

The manifest of 10 000 in an instant becomes appropriately a 1/10th of its original value upon impact leaving us, the survivors to figure out the situation.

In an instant klaxons of intact ship sensors go off detecting nearly lethal levels of nuclear fallout. Little did we know, we landed on Orbis in the middle of a nuclear war.

Upon creating a shelter using the carcass of the colony ship, several analyses reveal a horror: we were on Earth, but not the one we left.

Mineral analysis and quantum dating  reveal that the ship crashed on what is known as ‘Kodiak Island, Alaska’ in our universe around the date of June 2nd, 2071. Luckily for us, the abundance of uranium, iron, and coal is present in the mountains of this island supplied us with the foundations needed to bunker down and withstand the nuclear fallout.

It didn’t take us long for us to make first contact with other nations. A neutral nation sent a representative named General Lairotut who helped us out this past month.

It also seems like time moves “differently“ here, as if the dates aren’t aligned; What feels like a whole day in reality comes out to be 12 days… I guess time really does fly by when you don’t notice…

If it hasn’t been apparent it seems we‘ll be here a while, already we’ve had a few immigrants from places beyond our sight. They’re human with the only difference being that they’ve adapted to the radiation and can go lengths without food, a trait I wish I had.

Considering all that’s happened I’ve been elected as president and we’ve decided to turn this into our new home and join the many nations that exist on this planet. Looking outside it seems the radiation has begun to dissipate and our scientists conclude it won’t be long before we can begin to grow food of our own.

Thats all for now, End Log.