Nation Bulletin

Cossackia recovers from its moment of silence and finds newfound motivation; Follow up on Israel-Palestine wars

"We have been sad long enough, let us rise up again!" - Karla Soyokov

By Selvystr Bastillyusz
05/14/2021 05:58 pm
Updated: 05/14/2021 06:28 pm

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     Good day people of Cossackia, today we have just come back from not uploading any news to you guys. We are just recovering from our territorial and emotional losses. We have just lost Kalikh and our government didn't do anything. Right now, people are now holding demonstrations and protests to give a clear message to our loved Premier that he has to stop worrying and start doing something. No, I'm not kidding, everyone's literally protesting for Karla Soyokov to do something. Everyone's happy, of course, the Department of Social Welfare and the Department of Health made an online quiz to find out if all Cossackians are happy. Here are their answers, those also including the recent immigrants from last month.

“Well? I don't have to hear my parents arguing anymore. I'm only 9, and yes I'm an immigrant from the United States, but this nation? I will live here until death! Screw the land of the free and the home of the brave, Cossackia's just the perfect place for us kids. I can do whatever I want, I can even get a job on YouTube and on a local store! I can even buy food and a car! I can even frigging drive without any hassle!”
- Katelyn Christine Darlington, age 9, American, resident of Abingrad, shop worker

“Cossackia is just like America, but I don't need to worry about discrimination. I was from Yemen, and it was worse after the war. My entire family died, except for my pet dog. I even got a headstart after I was accepted at the border crossings. I'm so happy I get another chance in life. And they even like Muslims too, Allah bless Cossackia and its leaders.”
- Waleed al-Alam, age 13, Yemenese, resident of Wjona, technician

"I was an orphan, and I thought Europe will be perfect. My parents disowned me when I was a baby along with my twin Catherine. We lived in an orphanage for 6 years, from when I was 1 all the way to 8. So when I was 10, I found this place called Cossackia, I seek asylum, and they accepted me and Catherine. I can even teach English there and live in a house in peace. I became independent now like I've been here for like the past 2 days now and I've never worried about paying taxes like oh boy they're so damn cheap. Cossackia's the best."
- Heinrich Gheist and Catherine Gheist, both age 10, German, resident of Blausland, normal citizens

"I'm a native Filipino, I live in the Philippines since birth. I'm still happy Cossackia still recognizes itself as 'part of the Philippines.' Long live Cossackia, long live the Philippines." 
- Curcio Navarro, aged 15, Filipino, resident of Liezelnja, normal citizen

"I just want my family to live better lives. We searched all over Zimbabwe for a good place to live, but none of them meet my standards. So we try Cossackia because their travel payment is cheap. We were met by friendly soldiers, they want us to talk to them too. So, after we were accepted, I became an engineer. I decided to make an African community compound so that people in Africa can live here to be with their friends. And I'm not a child, but I just wanted to move here anyway."
- Morongwa Molatlhegi, age 34, Zimbabwean, resident of Kryjna, engineer

"We came here to escape the chaos in Israel. Some of my Palestinian and Jewish friends want to move out too. It's all because of this stupid annexation in the West Bank. Ugh. Thank God we're fine. We have been here for like a day now and the !@#$ are still shooting missiles!"
- Raphael Lieberman, age 30, Jewish, resident of Karlagrad, fleeing immigrant

    The last one was related to the Israel-Palestinian conflicts in the Middle East. No, this time China and Russia have nothing to do with it, only Israel and Palestine. The two states hate each other because of these reasons.

  • For Israel
    • According to the Bible, the Promised Land (which is Israel and Palestine) belongs to the Israelites.
    • They are seeking a safe zone from the Germans during World War Two.
    • They are finding new settlements after Europe's Semitism wears off.
    • It's stated in the Balfour Declaration.
    • Because Jerusalem was surrounded by Palestine.
  • For Palestine
    • They were promised an Arab nation during World War One but were compromised by the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
    • They claim that the lands occupied by Israel are Palestinian land.
    • The Palestinians want their own space, so therefore they can ask for the release of the West Bank.
    • They want to be free, and they also want to expose that Israel's arrangement with Palestine is illegal in international laws.

    So right now, we are taking in more Jewish and Muslim immigrants, and that's also bad news. Because with the current situation happening right now, they might bring their own problems and start a riot. So for now, Israelis and Palestinians, and especially local ones, must be separated to prevent internal unrest. The military and the police, together, enforce strict curfews. But yes, the Jewish and Muslims can live their normal lives, just being separated from each other for now. Phew! Cossackia has a lot to deal with, and for the month of May, this is just the beginning.

— Selvystr Bastillyusz, The Karlagrad Times, Editor


Posted May 19, 2021 at 11:41 am

It's not fabricated. And yes it is fabricated. This game has no irl citizens so?
