Nation Bulletin

Republic of China declares war on Socialist States of America

China supports free America

By president Chang Huang
12/13/2021 06:16 am
Updated: 12/13/2021 06:16 am

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After the collapse of the Sovereign Order of America a Communist terror state rose up in the former Kingdom, However at the same time a fragment of the S.O.A has recognized itself into the “United States of America", Due to the threat posed by the Socialist State of America pedople declared war on the S.O.A and announced it shall support the American people, Due to China's close friendship with the people of pedople and the American people themselves China will declare war on the S.S.A and help our allies in the coming war.

Their will be no draft and we will only have soldiers that want to fight in this war fight it, I won't make this China's Vietnam.

Long live the Republic of China! 
