Nation Bulletin


Binga Ding impeachment process under way

By The octagon News
11/20/2021 10:58 pm
Updated: 11/20/2021 10:58 pm

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After new evidence is found on Binga Ding(The President) about tax evasion that leads all the way back to 2025 he is being trialed for impeachment. He will get 4-5 years for every year he evaded taxes. There's enough evidence to put him away for 202.5 years and he will never be able to run for president again. The trial will be held on June 5th, 2070, this will give the prosecutor and the defendant enough time to get their evidence straight. If President Binga Ding is found guilty he will be the 3rd President out of 7 to be arrested in office for Federal crimes. The first president was arrested/put to death for accepting bribes and allowing terrorists to run operations in the nation of Singa DIng.