Nation Bulletin

Opposition party wins control of the legislature in Stinga ding

After 3 Years With the Left Wing Party in Stinga Ding the Right Takes Back the Election

By Election news
11/10/2021 09:21 am
Updated: 11/10/2021 09:21 am

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The Left-wing party was voted out of government after causing more wars when they promised to stop wars and bring the nation out of an economic recession. The Right-Wing promises to bring us out of this recession by expanding into newer markets and increasing taxes for the rich. The Right-Wing Party also says they will not start any wars unless they need to, to protect the citizens of Stinga Ding or to help out alliance members. They also say they will increase the Cyber military to bring more jobs for educated Citizens. The Left-wing had the lowest government rating in the history of a 23% approval rate under Binga Ding(6).The leader of the RIght-Wing Party is Binga Ding(7)'s(Jack Clark). He is 65 years old and will be running for election in 2070. People around the nation want him to be president to bring the nation back to make Stinga Ding Great Again.