Nation Bulletin

Black Forest Union Incident Report


By Black Forest Bureau of Information
10/28/2021 12:25 am
Updated: 10/10/2023 11:28 am

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----Local News----
After a severe terrorist attack on October Music Festival in Suvorov, police have raided over 4000 homes of potential suspects and terrorists. National Police Department announced that the terrorist threat has been neutralized and citizens may return to their normal lives. At the time of this writing, the city of Suvorov is still on lockdown with no information on when the lockdown will be lifted. 
Suvorov, city of Mines. Ever since the oil industry closed, and the city switched to Nationwide Agricultural Expansion, those mines started to hunt people. Suvorov Military Institute of Biotechnology (S.M.I.B) with help of the Facility Foundation, started to search ancient ruins near the mines. They found pathogen old 2000 years. They called it NCN-1. Let's just say I am not sure what happened or how NCN escaped the Facility since their technology is 300 years more advanced. We know about 1.500 different pieces of technology they have and that is 2%. Anyway. NCN is an adaptive virus that absorbs other viruses' abilities.
We believe that NCN is now NCN-22, which means that the virus absorbed 22 other pathogens. While in Facilities' hands they made it to NCN-16. At that point virus effectively forced people into rage and murders intent. At 18 their physical appearance was augmented with harder skin because of blood pouring out of the skin hardening it little, not enough to stop bullets but enough to make your stomach turn. At 22 virus. Is airborne 25m from the infected individual. The virus at this point is 100% lethal and 100% infectious without hazard protection above level 3. July 24, 2069, 4.30 am, 1st Echelon of Black Forest Union rushed to Suvorov after information of massive violent uprising and police being overrun.


Suvorov July 25, 2069, 00.25 am
Special Forces of Facility Foundation have been deployed 
(Gala Rosa, Black Hand, and Antilax)

Suvorov July 25, 2069, 02.25 am
The entire Gala Rosa and Antilax squadron run out of ammunition and got overrun.

Suvorov July 25, 2069, 04.30 am 
Black Hand soldiers got extracted from Suvorov Peoples Parliament, with the Governor of Suvorov, no one else left. Black Hand the most elite force in Foundation lost 3 out of 10. They extracted info and got a video feed of the situation. The carnage, massacre, was scary. 8 million people dead in less the 24H.

Suvorov July 25, 2069, 09.00
Echelons 1 and 6 of Black Forest report breach in 1st line barrier.

The One July 25, 2069, 10.30
Nuclear launch order is given to Missile Cruiser Van-Oasis

Suvorov July 25, 2069, 21.10
All forces retreat to 3rd barrier

Suvorov July 25, 2069, 12.30
The city of Suvorov is destroyed by Polaris 7 Strategic Nuclear Missile (45GT TNT)

(Interviewer) Is that all of the documentation 
It is
(Interviewer) Okay, that concludes Interview number 13-4-A, regarding the incident Suvorov-242069.
Director your execution without parole will be conducted tomorrow at 7 am. Talk to your family

(Interviewer Final Word)
NCN-22 has been neutralized effectively. In nuclear detonation, 8 million people that got infected were confirmed dead, plus the 13.000 soldiers of 1st Echelon of Black Forest Ground Forces. 113 special ops of Facility Foundation. Suvorov Exclusion zone 200 km from city. Anyone under level 5 access is forbidden to enter the area. Black Forest Biology Institute and Facility Foundation Bio Weapon Manufacture are working on a cure. The problem starts with scientific augmentation, while bones and heart are metal, the rest of the flesh is not. Susceptible to infection, the human body turns into rage mode in 20 seconds and starts body deformation after 48H. All instances of NCN-22 infected and the virus is isolated in class 6 Facility Black Site. ---Interview over---
--- Final ---


Chita November 13, 2069, Ram football stadium (Red Rams vs United Forest)
New changes in the Rams team are paying off, 120m for Michael Suzov the star player of Black Forest football representation. After half time it's 2-0 and... My god... One of the guards runs on the field and is biting the United Forest coach... more people are fighting in the stands... They broke in here o my god......

Somewhere outside the city of Chita

(Black Hand Commander) Alpha 1-4 moving in Chita area ETA till Dark Brotherhood Embassy 20 min
(Facility Command) Copy that 1-4, remember to execute the Ambassadors, and collect the server data.


(Black Hand Commander) 1-4 here, we see the city, moving in.