Nation Bulletin

Nuclear Reconsideration and More War Updates (5/6/21 news)

The UNS Government rethinks using a nuclear bomb in one of it's wars

By The Soaked News
05/06/2021 03:28 pm
Updated: 05/06/2021 03:33 pm

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5/6/21 - (Nuclear Reconsideration) After a little bit of evaluation today, President sans and Vice President Soaked think using a nuke in one of it's wars would cause more consequences than benefits. "Nuclear Bombs will still be used for defensive purposes" said Vice President Soaked. 

(War Updates) A new war was declared yesterday by the UNS (United Nation of Soaked) and has so far been a tie with some Moderate Success' from both nations, UNS found out last night that the nation it is fighting against tried to espionage it's navy but failed both times. In all of the other wars though, it is very likely that the UNS will win those. The Iron Dome project has also been constructed recently, already saving the UNS from a missile on one of it's cities. 


Posted May 06, 2021 at 9:03 pm

Huh, it's almost as if nukes make food production go down! Congratulations on the iron dome though.
