Nation Bulletin

The progress will carry on

9th March National Progress Day declared

By Emir Ajmain Al-Hamd
05/17/2024 12:47 am
Updated: 05/17/2024 12:14 pm

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In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful
On March 9, 2100 (orbis date) and May 17, 2024, The Islamic Emirate of Bengal made progress and came out from its long raiding and small nation status to a middle power in the Orbis. The number of cities has been increased to 16 from 6 only. This is indeed a great achievement, but not the best. We won't stop here, our progress shall carry on. May Allah's help be with us and our holy nation. I declare 9th March as National Progress Day and a government national holiday.


Posted May 17, 2024 at 1:02 am

