Nation Bulletin

Rowan Maximus announces changes to the constitution!

Corvia's constitution has been changed, and those on the political fringes are not happy.

By Dishiestglobe
05/13/2024 11:01 pm
Updated: 05/15/2024 06:52 pm

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In a broadcast televised nationwide, Rowan Maximus has announced that after a majority "Yes" vote from the Governing Council, major changes to the constitution of Corvia have been made. These changes include the following:


  • Leadership title names have been changed from Director to President.


  • Corvia changes from the Technocratic Republic of Corvia, to the Federal Republic of Corvia.


  • Police force will now be merged with the military in order to create a military police force.


  • Political Parties leaning to either the far-left or the far-right are now banned.


  • Sectors are now referred to as "Districts".


The announcement, despite being applauded by the government and a good portion of the populace, has been met with outrage from members of the Corvian Communist Party (CCP) and the National Patriot League (NPL), who have made troubling statements promising consequences for the "unconstitutional" actions of the President.